Get a Chill Pill This Summer with the Bloody Mary Cocktail for Breakfast

bloody mary cocktail for breakfast

Cocktails serve to be an integral part of our every day diet, be it at breakfast, lunch, dinner or even an evening drink. However, there are many people who tend to avoid cocktails thinking that it will have negative health effects on them. But this is not true. There are some cocktails that are very nutritious in nature and provide for a healthier diet. And one of the most famous cocktails of this sort is the Bloody Mary.

Famous all around the world, the Bloody Mary reigns as one of the most renowned cocktails ever. Alcoholic but to the very least, this drink serves as the perfect get-away for people who avoid cocktails for being alcoholic. And the best part is that the Rainbow Restaurant in Fort Collins, one of its most famous restaurants, has a nutritious Bloody Mary as a part of its breakfast and lunch menu. But in this blog, we shall be taking about what makes the Bloody Mary more of a healthy drink.

Here are 3 primary characteristics of the Bloody Mary:

1.A healthy drink:

As mentioned above, the Bloody Mary serves as a part of a healthy diet. The base liquid for the cocktail is tomato juice. And tomato juice is full of nutrients. For example, it has the vitamin Lycopene which is great for the heart. It helps in removing clogs in arteries and other heart maladies. A tomato is also rich in Vitamin C which is necessary for the growth, repair, and development of body tissues. Moreover, there is a much less intake of sugar and sodium than other soft drinks of a same volume. So if you are up for it, visit Rainbow Restaurant in Fort Collins and have the perfect healthy drink there ever was.

2.Benefits that can be added:

If you want, you can even add your own choice of ingredients to make the drink more personalized. If you want you can add celery puree or a stalk of celery.

  • Adding ginger and garlic are also great options. While garlic has antibacterial properties, fighting off viruses and keeping your health system strong, ginger helps in combating symptoms of cold and flu. It also helps reduce irritation and swelling of a sore throat.
  • Adding spices lets you make it a lot tastier. It helps in awakening the senses and increasing your body’s metabolism. For this, you can opt for chilies, peppers, horseradish, and chipotle-habanero. Or the most common, hot sauce.
  • Lime Juice is perhaps the best final addition to the Bloody Mary. Provided by many restaurants in Fort Collins like the Rainbow Restaurant, lime juice helps improve diet, skin quality, immune system. It also helps in weight loss and reduces the chances of heart disease.

3.A drink for early-risers:

Most cocktails aren’t preferred in the morning. Well, it isn’t something that you should drink right after waking up. However, the Bloody Mary is an exception. Wake up and drink this perfect mix of wellness while giving yourself a tasty beginning to the day. Moreover, it is a well-know “Hair of the Dog” drink i.e. it is a cure of hangover along with its healthy properties. So, to lose the tipsiness from the previous night, get hold of these right away before starting your day.

These 3 points show how a cocktail isn’t always all about alcohol. On the contrary, it can a lot healthy. The Bloody Mary is a favorite of many people. And if you too want to get a taste of it, well here is the blog just for you. Or you can even visit the Rainbow Restaurant in Fort Collins and have a go. The best thing is you can enjoy this cocktail with your family. No one really misses alcohol if there is the Bloody Mary coming up.

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